Dry Hair Solution

Most people think that the key to stopping dry hair and breakage is in "a product".  Although it does matter what you put on your hair. For example, you never want to pour Clorox on your hair, but you need to be more concerned with how well you are nourishing your hair from the inside.

How much water are you drinking?
How much sugar, soda, and coffee is dehydrating you of water?
How much vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are you getting?
How much protein are you getting?
How much green vegetables are you eating?

Your hair is the fruit of what you eat.  You can put the best moisturizing products in you hair and your hair will dry in less than a few ours if you don't change your water intake. Hair must be hydrated trom the "inside-out". Product(s) on top of dehydrated hair is still dehydrated hair.

1. Increase your water intake.  You will have go to the restroom more frequently until your body adapts and finds uses for the increase in water.

2. Aloe and glycerin.  Aloe is basically plant water in a gel form and glycerin attracts water. You can find this combination my favorite (mineral oil free) activator.

Just in case you don't know.  Mineral oil is a medicinal oil.  It is best used as a laxative.  It coats the hair, therefore creating product build up.
Product build up will dry your hair.

Sometime the simplest things are the answer to our problems.  Water is the simplest, most potent and powerful remedy to most of our beauty questions.

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Written with Your Beauty in Mind by ITEACHBEAUTY

I Teach Beauty aims to feature the most amazing beauty experts, secret and stories. Covering topics such as: Make up, natural hair, fashion, fitness, as well as inner beauty.Some of our experts are everyday people that focus on beauty. We want to take your beauty to the next level.